"Trained, loving, assigned Dog Walkers & Cat Sitters
in Glover Park"

Dog Child Agility Course
Glover Park Day is back! Meet us at the park, where it's going down Saturday, June 1st, from 11am-2pm where our Dog Agility Course will be available for your dog child to bob, weave and jump through fun obstacles. The action will take place on the dog park grounds of Guy Mason Recreation Center at Calvert Street and Wisconsin Avenue NW. For more information regarding the neighborhood celebration please visit the Glover Park Day Page. In the meantime, checkout previous years agility course action pictures on Dog Child's Instagram or Facebook page.
Glover Park Day is back! Meet us at the park, where it's going down Saturday, June 1st, from 11am-2pm where our Dog Agility Course will be available for your dog child to bob, weave and jump through fun obstacles. The action will take place on the dog park grounds of Guy Mason Recreation Center at Calvert Street and Wisconsin Avenue NW. For more information regarding the neighborhood celebration please visit the Glover Park Day Page. In the meantime, checkout previous years agility course action pictures on Dog Child's Instagram or Facebook page.
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